Modern Language Association presents Giannina Braschi

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Date(s) - 1/5/2013
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm

Sheraton Hotel

From the Academy of American Poets:

Considered one of the most revolutionary Latin American poets writing today, Giannina Braschi, author of the epic prose poem “Empire of Dreams,” will read from her new book United States of Banana as part of the MLA’s annual convention on January 5th, 2013. The dramatic reading will follow a scholarly panel on the poet’s work by Arnaldo Cruz Malave (Fordham Univeristy), Maritza Stanchich (University of Puerto Rico), and Cristina Garrigos (University of Leon, Spain). This is just one of hundreds of special sessions devoted to the literary arts from around the globe. The MLA convention attracts thousands of professors for lively debates on literature throughout the ages.