[la garza de espuma]

by Julia Ferrer

la garza de espuma

de encaje de luna

inmóvil vigila


los duendes

las hada y brujas

los sueños lascivos

de la laguna


con su ojo de nácar

el ángel maligno



la garza de espuma

de cuello infinito

de ojo de nácar

contempla la diosa


la laguna


la nombra en silencio

la siente venir de su sueño

la acecha

la hiere

la tiñe de sangre


la ama

la siente

la ve con su ojo de nácar


la besa


se vuelve a dormir la laguna

de encaje de luna

inmóvil vigila

la garza de espuma

[the sea-foam heron ]

by Julia Ferrer

the sea-foam heron

from moon lace

keeps motionless watch over


the duendes

the fairies and witches

the lascivious dreams

of the lagoon


with its mother-of-pearl eye

the malignant angel



the sea-foam heron

with infinite neck

with mother-of-pearl eye

the goddess considers

the sleeping



names it in silence

feels it wake from sleep

lies in wait for it

wounds it

stains it with blood


loves it

feels it

sees it with the

mother-of-pearl eye


kisses it


the lagoon goes back to sleep

from moon lace

keeps motionless watch over

the sea-foam heron

translated from Spanish by Brandon Holmquest