Mouvement interne

by Pierre Reverdy

Se face écarlate illumine la chambre où il est seul. Seul avec son portrait qui bouge dans la glace. Est-ce bien lui? Serait-ce l’œil d’un autre? Il n’en aurait pas peur. Son pied manque le sol et il avance en éclatant de rire. Il croit que cette tête parle — celle qu’il a devant lui, ivre, les yeux ouverts. Le plafond s’abaisse, les murs vont éclater et il rit. Il rit au feu qui lui chauffe le ventre; à la pendule qui bat comme son cœur.  La chambre roule — ce bateau dont le mât craquerait s’il faisait plus de vent. Et, sans s’apercevoir qu’il tombe, sur le lit où il va s’endormir, il croit encore rêver que les vagues l’emportent. Trop loin. Il n’y a plus rien que le rire idiot du réveil et le mouvement inquiétant de la porte.

Internal movement

by Pierre Reverdy

His scarlet face lights up the room where he’s alone. Alone with his portrait that stirs inside the glass. Is it really him? Could that be someone else’s eye? It wouldn’t frighten him. He missteps and as he moves forward he bursts out laughing. He thinks that this head is speaking—the one in front of him, its eyes open, drunk. The ceiling lowers, the walls are going to burst, and he laughs. He laughs at the fire that warms his belly, at the clock that beats like his heart. The room is rolling—a boat whose mast would crack if the wind picked up. And unaware that he’s dropping onto the bed where he’ll fall asleep, he thinks he’s still dreaming that the waves are carrying him away. Too far. Now there’s nothing but the idiot laughter of the alarm clock, the disquieting motion of the door.

translated from French by Dan Bellm