[Simtiem reižu sacīts: baidies miera.]
by Amanda Aizpuriete
Simtiem reižu sacīts: baidies miera.
Ilgi baidījusies, nu vairs nebaidos.
Attek migla – manu namu
Baltiem karodziņiem post.
Nāve papļāpāt ar mani nekautrējas.
Vienas cilts mēs esam,
Vienas dzejas,
Naktīs klausos tos, kas elpo tālu
Puķu, klusuma un drupu zemē.
[A hundred times it’s been said: fear peace.]
by Amanda AizpurieteA hundred times it’s been said: fear peace.
Long having feared, I no longer fear.
Fog flows in – my house
attacked by white flags.
Death is not shy of chattering to me.
We are of one tribe,
one poem.
Nightly I listen to those who breathe, distant,
in the land of flowers, silence and ruins.
translated from Latvian by Inara Cedrins