[srne so gozdne živali.]
by Tone Škrjanecsrne so gozdne živali.
kadar so preplašene,
kadar ne skakljajo razposajene po gozdu,
skozi široko razprte nozdrvi
neslišno goltajo globoke curke zraka.
med drevjem stojijo negibno.
nalahno drhtijo
(kot recimo listje v plahem vetru)
že nenaden šum suhega listja zadostuje,
da se spremenijo v negibno staro drevo,
po čigar gladkem, srebrnemu hrbtu
se spuščajo v mah deževne kaplje.
oči imajo odprte kot jezero.
v katerem se odseva zeleno.
v njihovih najglobjih globinah
rastejo ribe.
[deer are wood animals.]
by Tone Škrjanecdeer are wood animals.
whenever they’re scared,
whenever they’re not hopping around the woods,
they soundlessly gobble deep surges of air
through wide opened nostrils.
they stand still among trees.
softly they shiver
(like leaves in timid wind, for example)
yet a sudden rustle of dried leaves is enough for them
to change into motionless old tree,
from its smooth silver back
raindrops are descending on moss.
their eyes are open like a lake.
reflecting green.
fish are growing
in their deepest depths.
translated from Slovenian by Ana Pepelnik & Matthew Rohrer