l’enfance de l’art

by Angélica Freitas

porque eu perdia a pose mamãe me deu uma cadeira elegante de veludo burgundy. três anos no balé tutus e tafetás e ainda perdia a pose.


mamãe disse vou comprar uma cadeira para que pelo menos sente elegantemente. papai chegava tarde e ao me ver sentada lendo pedro nava suspirava e tirava trollope da estante. “leia os clássicos,


é importante.” era o entendimento de papai o self-made man o marido de mamãe a de quatro sobrenomes.


daí a minha aversão a heráldica e estofados.


daí por que nunca li chaucer antes.


l’enfance de l’art (formative youth)

by Angélica Freitas

because i lost my posture mama got me an elegant chair in burgundy velvet. three years of ballet tutus and taffeta and still i lost my posture.


mama said i am buying a chair so at least you’ll sit elegantly. papa came home late and seeing me seated reading pedro nava sighed and took trollope down from the shelf. “read the classics,


it’s important.” that was the understanding of papa the self-made man the husband of mama who had the traditional four last names.


and so my aversion to heraldry and upholstered things.


and so i’ve never read chaucer before.


translated from Portuguese by Hilary Kaplan