
by Olja Savičević Ivančević

toliko svile se odmotava


pod mojom kožom neprekidno


da su me staratelji morali skloniti


u hram


među krčmarsko svećenstvo


tu ćeš, rekli su, mala


učiti pisati nogom po vjetru


i vjetrom po gradskim morima


izučit ćeš vještinu


bacanja letećih olovčica


(da zatvorenih očiju razvežeš pupak


i rasiječeš bradavicu)




vidjela sam kako pjevaju i ljube ludi učitelji


kako preskaču lipu i vodotoranj


ponekad pripiti trče uz zidove kuća


ali ujutro trijezno pometu svoje gole sobe


nježno obuku svoje gole žene i mladiće


povežu ono što je ostalo od kose


u perčin rečenica


i lebde iznad svetih tastatura




prvu sam lekciju svladala iz domaćinstva


složila sam svu silu u bale


kao u malom dućanu metraže


trebalo mi je trideset godina


još toliko će mi trebati


da razvrstam dugmad riječi


i sve te aplikacije




bojim se, u međuvremenu,


ostarit će učitelji, popušit će svoje lule vjere


a s njima i hrabrost i mudrost


brine me što će se dogoditi s njihovim kostima po čitankama


tu nitko živ više neće moći


sastaviti pjesnika

An Apprentice

by Olja Savičević Ivančević

so much silk unrolls


continually under my skin


that the guardians had to move me


to the temple


among the clergy of the tavern


they said, here, little one,


you’ll learn how to write by throwing a leg over the wind


and with the wind over the city seas


you’ll learn the trade


of flinging flying pencils


(so with eyes closed you unknot the navel


and cut the nipple)




I saw how crazy teachers sing and kiss


how they jump over the linden and the water tower


sometimes tipsy they run along the walls of houses


but in the morning they soberly sweep their naked rooms


gently dress their naked women and young men


and bind what’s left of their hair


into bundled sentences


hover over holy keyboards



I first mastered homemaking


I folded all the silk into bales


like in a little fabric shop


it took me thirty years


and I’ll need that many more


to sort the word buttons


and all of their use




meanwhile, I’m afraid,


the teachers will get old, finish smoking their pipes of hope


and with them both courage and wisdom


I worry about what will happen to their bones in the books


not a living soul will be able


to assemble a poet

translated from Croatian by Andrea Jurjević