
by Idea Vilariño

Yo vengo por la calle

compro pan

entro en casa

hay niebla y vengo triste

tu amor es un ausencia

tu amor digo mi amor

amor que quedó en nada.

Subo las escaleras

repasando esa historia

y me quedo en lo oscuro

tras de la puerta


pensando no pensando

en tu amor

en la vida

en la soledad que es

única certidumbre.



by Idea Vilariño

I come down the street

buy bread

enter the house

there is fog and I arrive home sad

your love is an absence

your love, I say, my love

love that came to nothing.

I climb the stairs

reviewing this history

and I stop in the dark

behind the bitter


thinking not thinking

on your love

on life

in the solitude that is

the only certainty.

translated from Spanish by Jesse Lee Kercheval