poured out to the world
and suddenly her mother refuses to forgive

A poem by Ronny Someck translated by Robert Manaster and Hana Inbar. Forthcoming soon in The Milk Underground.


by Ronny Someck

עַל  תָּוִית  גּוּפָה  שֶׁל  נ‘  רְשׁוּמָה  שְׁנַת  הַיִּצּוּר:

17 שָׁנִים  הִיא  שְׁפוּכָה  בָּעוֹלָם

וּפִתְאוֹם  אִמָּא  שֶׁלָּהּ  מְסָרֶבֶת  לִסְלֹחַ.

נִפְתַּח  לָהּ  הַחֹר“, הִיא  אוֹמֶרֶת, “נִסְגַּר  לָהּ  הַמֹּחַ“.

עֵינֵי  הַזְּכוּכִית  שֶׁל  נ‘  מַבְרִיקוֹת  מִדְּמָעוֹת,

בַּלֵּילוֹת  הִיא  מַצְלִיבָה  עַל  כִּסְּאוֹת  בָּרִים 

רַגְלַיִם  שְׁבוּרוֹת  מֵרִקּוּד, רוֹאָה

אֵיךְ  הַפְּקָק  הַצָּרְפָתִי  מִתְעוֹפֵף  מִפִּי  הַשַּׁמְפַּנְיָה,

אֵיךְ  הַמֶּקְסִיקָנִי  חָבוּשׁ  כְּסוֹמְבְּרֶרוֹ  עַל  רֹאשׁ  הַטָּקִילָה                 

וְהַגֶּרְמָנִי  מְחֻדַּד  הַשִּׁנַּיִם  נוֹגֵס  אֶת  צַוַּאר  הַבִּירָה.

אִמָּא, בּוֹאִי  תִּרְאִי, הִיא  רוֹצָה  לִצְעֹק  וּמְדַמְיֶנֶת  מִיָּד

אֶת  הַתְּשׁוּבָה: “זֶה  לֹא  סְתָם  פְּקָק, הַבְּתוּלִים  הָאֵלֶּה,

זֶה  הַנְּדוּנְיָה  שֶׁלָּךְ“.


נ‘  חוֹזֶרֶת  הַבַּיְתָה  וּמַנִּיחָה  אֶת  נַעֲלֵי  הָרִקּוּד 

לְיַד  הַמִּטָּה  כְּמוֹ  שְׁתֵּי  נְשִׁיקוֹת  עַל  לְחִי  הָרִצְפָּה. 


by Ronny Someck

On the label of N.’s body, the vintage year is written:

17 years she’s been poured out to the world

And suddenly her mother refuses to forgive.

“Her hole got opened,” she says, “her mind got closed.”

N.’s glassy eyes are shining with tears.

At nights, she crosses her dance-weary legs

While she sits on bar stools, watching

How the French cork flies from the champagne mouth,

How the Mexican is worn like a sombrero over the tequila’s head

And the German with the sharpened teeth is biting the beer’s neck.

“Mom, come see,” she wants to cry and imagines instantly

The answer: “This is not just a cork, this virginity.

This is your dowry.”


N. returns home and sets her dance shoes down

Near the bed like two kisses upon the floor’s cheek.

translated from Hebrew by Robert Manaster & Hana Inbar

And if you loved me—
I thought—wouldn’t there be more tomorrow?

Umberto Saba photoPaula Bohince photoThree poems by Umberto Saba translated from Italian by Paula Bohince.



Principio d’estate

by Umberto Saba

Dolore, dove sei?  Qui non ti vedo;

ogni apprenza t’è contraria.  Il sole

indora la città, brilla nel mare.

D’ogni sorta veicoli alla riva

portano in giro qualcosa o qualcuno.

Tutto si muove lietamente, come

tutto fosse di esistere felice.

Start of Summer

by Umberto Saba

Pain, where are you?  Invisible here;

each vision contradicts you.  The sun

gilds the city, shines on the sea.

All sorts of sea-bound cars

carry something or someone.

Everything moves cheerfully, as if

the meaning of life was to be happy.

translated from Italian by Paula Bohince

Un ricordo

by Umberto Saba

Non dormo.  Vedo una strada, un boschetto,

che sul mio curore come un’ansia preme;

dove si andava, per star soli e insieme,

io e un altro ragazzetto.


Era la Pasqua; I riti lunghi e strani

dei vecchi.  E se non mi volesse bene

—pensavo—e non venisse piu domain?

E domain non venne.  Fu un dolore,

uno spasimo fu verso la sera;

che un’amicizia (seppi poi) non era,

era quello un amore;


il primo; e quale e che felicità

n’ebbi, tra I colli e il mare di Trieste.

Ma perché non dormire, oggi, con queste

storie di, credo, quindici anni fa?

A Memory

by Umberto Saba

I don’t sleep.  I see a road, a grove

making my chest tight, anxious;

where we went to be alone and together,

another boy and I.


It was Easter; the rites long and strange

and old.  And if you loved me—

I thought—wouldn’t there be more tomorrow?

And tomorrow never came.  It pained me,

like the ache of evening;

that was not (I later learned) friendship,

it was love;


the first; a happiness

had between the hills and the sea of Trieste.

But why can’t I sleep tonight, because of

a story from, I think, fifteen years ago?

translated from Italian by Paula Bohince


by Umberto Saba

Primavera che a me non piaci, io voglio

dire di te che di una strada l’angelo

svoltando, il tuo presagio mi feriva

come una lama.  L’ombra ancor sottile

di nudi rami sulla terra ancora

nuda mi turba, quasi ancho’io potessi


rinascere.  La tomba

sembra insicura al tuo appressarsi, antica

primavera, che più d’ogni stagione

crudelmente risusciti ed uccidi.



by Umberto Saba

Spring, I don’t like you, I want

to say on the street, even the premonition

of trees under your spell hurts me

like a razor-cut.  The shadow of still thin

bare branches on ground

still naked troubles me, as if I too

might have to

be reborn.  The graveyard

trembles when you come, ancient

Spring, which more than any other season

cruelly resurrects and kills.

translated from Italian by Paula Bohince

Mummies are a method, not the result.

Five poems by Meta Kušar translated from Slovenian by Ana Jelnikar & Barbara Siegel Carlson.


by Meta Kušar

Grk oživlja z mesečevo vodo.

Ljubezen ne pozna trupel, čeprav je mrtvo telo usoda.

Pesmi ne zavržeš.

Ljubezni ne zavržeš.

Pesem srka drobljivost.

Delčke zloži v belo luč obdano z lupino.

Pingvini z majhno nesmrtno dušo naredijo enako.

Njihova vera je jajce pri nogah narave.


by Meta Kušar

A Greek will revive you with moon water.

Love knows not of corpses, although a dead body is fate.

You don’t throw away poems.

You don’t throw away love.

The poem absorbs fragility.

Composes the small parts into the white light of a shell.

Penguins with their small immortal souls do the same.

Their faith is an egg at nature’s feet.

translated from Slovenian by Ana Jelnikar & Barbara Siegel Carlson


by Meta Kušar

Dróbci so kost.

Ni ženske brez moškega in njegovega sveta.

Ni moškega brez ženske in njenega sveta.

Ljubezen je edina garancija za duševno obnovo.

Kadar pridem iz goreče hiše molčim.

Uveljavljati se začno grozni stvori in nakaze,

Heraklit že tipa za piščalko in kliče izravnavo.

Vojaki in samostalniki so takoj pepel.

Tintni svinčnik drsi po dolgih spiskih strahu.

Zapisuje mrtve in dolžnike, ceno in trpljenje.  

Od vekomaj oživljamo mrliče.

Mumije so metoda, ne rezultat.

Španski vetrc drži skupaj konec in začetek.

Kadar zavržeš del, ne moreš več sestaviti celote.


by Meta Kušar

Fragments are bone.

There is no woman without a man and his world.

No man without a woman and her world.

Love is the only warranty for the soul to revive.

When I come out of the burning house I’m speechless.

Hideous freaks and monsters begin to assert themselves.

Heraclitus is already feeling for his flute and calling for balance.

Soldiers and nouns turn to ashes.

The grease pencil slides down the long lists of fear.

It makes note of the dead and the debtors, the cost and the suffering.

For ever we bring the dead back to life.

Mummies are a method, not the result.

Meringue cookies hold the end and beginning together.

When you reject a part, you can no longer assemble the whole.

translated from Slovenian by Ana Jelnikar & Barbara Siegel Carlson


by Meta Kušar

Prvi ima njegove oči,

drugi njegove lase,

tretji njegov glas.

Dvajseti njegove stavke,

dvestoti njegov posluh,

tisoči njegov smeh,

tristo tisoči njegov jezik.

Imam jaz njegovo srce?

Nisem si izmišljevala.

Nič prirejala. Nič čakala.

Samo pričakovala.

Okušam domišljijo starih in novih dni.

Kakšen vesel študij.


by Meta Kušar

The first has his eyes,

the second his hair,

the third his voice.

The twentieth his sentences,

the two hundredth his ear for music.

The thousandth his laughter,

the three hundred thousandth his tongue.

Do I have his heart?

I wasn’t imagining things.

Embellishing anything. I never waited.

Only expected.

I taste the imagination of days old and new.

What a happy course.

translated from Slovenian by Ana Jelnikar & Barbara Siegel Carlson

Zakaj ne pišem ljubezenskih pesmi?

by Meta Kušar

Popek sredi doma je resnična večna lučka.

Vsaka celica telesa se prebudi z enim samim dotikom.

Presvetli vse od Ahilove tetive do medulle oblongate,

od levega mezinca do desnega kazalca; sredica je zraven.

Objemi in poljubi zbujajo večno željo,

da bi bil vsak delček telesa prežet s svetlobo.

Presvetljeno telo! Ne zapušcaj ga. Jaz ga ne zapustim.

Kaj bi z ljubeznijo, ki je dovoljena ali prepovedana!

Vse je zamena za ogenj in ogenj je zamena za vse.

Razsvetlí jetra in oči in nos.

Obraze, ki jih pogledaš, zagledaš.

Črka naredi besedo in beseda naredi vrt

in vrt naredi toploto in toplota posuši dušo.

Suha duša je Kneipp. Vse ozdravi z vodo.

Kos brez postanka smisel žgoli.

Rožnata ni manj resnična od Hudiča, ki razbija puščavo.

Človeka ne, če ne pusti. Ljubezen sveti kot Hánuka,

kot diváli, kot sv. Lucija. V šotoru zastane.

Za mrtve in žive gori. Zveri zadrži. Strela je ogenj kovač.

V glasu ga slišim, ko še nisi skovan.

V glasu ga slišiš samo podkovan. Ves isti, a drug.

Iskra takoj preobrazi. Ogenj gori, da smrt ne pride zraven.

Najtanjša folija, brezsnovna, odceja zlo.

Nič sem in tja. Nič tja in sem in spet nazaj.

Oči odgrnem! Zora je resnicna mana. Pozobljejo jo ateisti.

Why don't I write love poems?

by Meta Kušar

A bud in the middle of home is a true eternal flame.

At a touch every cell of the body awakens.

Illuminating everything from the Achilles heel to medulla oblongata,

from the left little finger to the right index finger; the rest accordingly.

Hugs and kisses ignite the eternal desire

that every inch of the body were shot through with light.

Illuminated body! Don’t leave it. I won’t.

What do you do with love that’s permitted or forbidden!

It’s all a substitute for fire and fire’s a substitute for all.

Illuminating the liver, the eyes and the nose.

The faces that you look at, see.

A letter makes a word and the word makes a garden

and the garden creates warmth and the warmth dries the soul.

A dry soul is Kneipp. Water heals everything.

Without pause, the blackbird chirps meaning.

The rose is no less real than the devil swirling storms in the desert.

But not in the man unless he lets him. Love lights up like Hanukkah,

Diwali, and St. Lucia. In the tent it pauses.

Burns for the dead and the living. Holding the beasts at bay.

A lightning bolt is the blacksmith’s fire.

In my voice I hear him not yet minted.

In your voice you hear him only just shod. All the same, only different.

A spark transforms on the spot. The fire burns so death can’t come close.

The thinnest foil, immaterial, strains evil.

No back-and-forth. No forth-and-back and back again.

I draw open the eyes! Dawn is the true manna. Pecked at by atheists.

translated from Slovenian by Ana Jelnikar & Barbara Siegel Carlson

Prva miza

by Meta Kušar

Temno modra smokva zori.

Mladiči lastovic še poznajo rdeče sladkosti.

Zgarana lastovka jadra v vročini in pôje,

ko mladiči že sami lové.

Prehraniti dve legli je skoraj umreti.

Noga ene mize stoji na izviru.

Zarana pobiram verze z nje.

Sonce jo nagne in sadeži zdrsnejo, ne vem kam.

Z rokami na kolenih poslušam,

kaj mizica hoče. Zahodna je morska, ležerna.

Pisma že devet let nisem prepognila.

Besede materializiram z juga na sever.

S severa na sever? Ne vem, kje sem.

Iz srca v srce je najkrajša pot.

Z roko napisati pismo je prelepo.

Najprej zakroži med zvezdami.

Netopirji ga ubranijo vseh pasti.


Kako brez papirja položiti glas na dlan?

First Table

by Meta Kušar

A dark blue fig tree ripens.

The swallows’ young still know of red sweet things.

The worn-out swallow sails in the heat and sings

while its young already catch on their own.

To feed both nests is almost to die.

One leg of the table stands at the source.

At the crack of dawn I pick the verses off.

The sun tilts it, the fruits slide off, I don’t know where.

With my hands on my knees I listen

to what the little table wants.

The western one is the seaside one, the leisurely one.

I haven’t folded the letter for nine years.

I materialize words from south to north.

From north to north? I don’t know where I am.

From heart to heart is the shortest path.

To handwrite a letter is lovely.

First it does a round among the stars.

Bats ward off all the traps.


How to lay your voice in the palm without paper?

translated from Slovenian by Ana Jelnikar & Barbara Siegel Carlson

the self had use
for the self

Mesandel Virtusio Arguelles    KristineOngMuslim

A poem by  Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles translated from Filipino by Kristine Ong Muslim. 


by Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles

Dahil sa natuklasang hindi sa iyo

ang daigdig, gumuho


ang iyong daigdig. Ang iyong daigdig


na dahil hindi sa iyo

gumuho hindi dahil sa iyo


Hanggang tumindig ka sa ngayon

sa daigdig na sa wala nakatindig




Nais mong magpatuloy

pagkaraan ng lahat, pagkaraang lahat


ilahad. Ngayon


mahinahon ang mga tinig, wala na

ang nagsasalitang salitang minsan


mayroong sariling silbi. Mayroong silbi


ang sarili, nais mong masabi, sa sarili

sa huli, bilang pagtanda sa inaakalang buhay




Isusulat mo

ang sarili. Isusulat mo


sa bawat salitang pipiliin


upang maiharap ang sarili

sa bawat salitang tatalikuran


upang muli lamang mabigo

sa bawat pagtalikod




Sa araw na kailangan mo

nang magpaalam, hindi mo maiiwan


ang iyong silid. Sa huling sandali


ipapasya mong isilid ito sa iyong bulsa

Naroon ang iyong kama, mesita, ilaw


sa pagbabasa. Maglalakbay ka


mula roon nang hindi iniiwan

ang iyong silid. Sa muli’t muling pagpasok


dito, kailangan mong laging magpaalam


Bawat araw, hindi mo maiiwan

ang iyong silid. Sa iyong bulsa


bawat huling sandali, ito ang iyong isinisilid




Sa sandaling ito, muli mong isusumpang mabuhay

para sa sining



by Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles

Because you discovered that

the world was not yours, your world


crashed. Your world


that just because was not yours

crashed but not because of you


Until you stand up now

to a world that stands on nothing




You want to continue

after everything had come to pass, after everything


was made known. Now


the voices are calm, no longer

one utters a word that once


had its use. The self had use


for the self, you wished to say

in the end to commemorate what passes for life




You will write

yourself. You will write


on every word you will choose


in order to submit yourself

to every word you will renounce


in order to once again fail

in every renunciation




On the day you need

to say goodbye, you cannot walk away from


your room. At the last moment


you will decide to slip it inside your pocket

There’s your bed, small table, lamp


for reading. You will travel


from thereon without leaving

your room. In your frequent reentry


into it, you need to always ask for permission


Each day, you cannot walk away from

your room. Inside your pocket


every last moment, you slip it in




At this moment, you curse once again having lived

for art

translated from Filipino by Kristine Ong Muslim

your big house, your america


Two poems by Zhu Zhu, translated by Dong Li. 

朱朱Zhu Zhu肖像,2013年,摄影:范西 李栋Li Dong


by Zhu Zhu

— 致L.Z.











































new jersey on the moon

by Zhu Zhu

— to l.z.


this is your tree, river, lawn,

your big house, your america.

this is your life on another planet,

you slow down the car to lead me through foothills,

like a documentary of private life on the wide screen.


reprints by impressionists hang on the living room wall,

your daughter’s toys piled high on the floor,

daytime when your husband goes to manhattan,

and your child to kindergarten, the streets fall silent

except for conversation between vacuum and lawn mower,

on the treadmill, like a toy train

on its oval track you go around and around…


here i am surprised by a sense of strangeness,

not that you have already changed your nationality

or become someone’s wife, i am

surprised that your wanderings have so soon come to the end—

the dreamed-of happy land of our youth

already abbreviated into a comfort cage,

and on the thick velvet couch,

once we speak of china, your mouth curls in a smirk.


i am saddened that you have missed an epic change in time,

a myth of time upended amid reality;

every one of your years here,

is a day that we have spent back home.

twilight, i return to the hotel in queens,

put my coat on the back of the chair, before my eyes

that wild girl floats by, loving

freedom more than carmen depicted by mérimée, walking

among marchers in a parade, like a goddness painted by delacroix.


…memory retains nothing but the kite’s spool,

i know i can no longer take you home,

even blessings seem unnecessary.

no one to entrust a mission, deep in the night

i dream of myself one step over the pacific,

back to fire-bright smoke-thick battlefields,

loading crossbows and shooting down those toxic suns. 

translated from Chinese by Dong Li


by Zhu Zhu




























passing by

by Zhu Zhu

not a drop last night, yet i woke

feeling hung over—at a hotel

before a steamed mirror, in shock, i

listened to the city’s river of traffic. here

i know a friend, who brushed his gifts aside

and scurried to capture cheap praises; a

classic literature professor, who loved his words more

than he did others; a girl, a music school grad

lost a love yet fell in love with this place,

had three jobs and precious little sleep,

—sadder than this was the passion drained away

from several generations in a flash, all of them

rushing ahead, cursing, complaining,

like countless rusty swords impelled to stick together—

a usual spring day, who amongst them

could discern my exacting wishes?

let them keep the best face on the past.

let me pass by without a visit and continue my journey—

throat dry, tongue scorched by soldering iron,

words swirl in dazed mind, so slow to come,

thus the need to pray year after year,

embrace rain showers repeatedly, landscapes and forked roads.

frail like tree shadow, in the puddles of the road

i feel the pain of being rolled over by wheels;

i am cold, because there is no light on the other side,

when people meet, lanterns are turned down low. 

translated from Chinese by Dong Li

a pilot dodging wood and granite crosses

Mestre. Foto Alejandro Gonzalez Puras.2Processed with VSCOcam with m5 presetTwo poems by Juan Carlos Mestre translated by Patrick Marion Bradley. 


Jardín Muerto

by Juan Carlos Mestre

Mientras paseo por el cementerio, el lugar más apropiado

para pensar en un currículum vítae, trato de recordar
qué carta del tarot me tranquilizaría. Sé que volveréis de nuevo

amores por los que se mueve el hombre ajo el hardware de

          las estrellas.
Y sin embargo estoy aquí, viéndoos tras la ventanilla de los tranvías,

camino de la historia siguiente. Como cuando era un niño
leo tus poemas apoyado en el alma de la noche y te oigo
como a un piloto que esquivara las cruces de madera y granito.

Estamos solos desde entonces, nadie ha venido a acompañarnos
y este día vacío de viento es la única recompensa.
Se han ido, eran las palabras que ya no pueden hablar
y las ardillas que, si se diera el caso, corren entre los robles.
Tened piedad, digo a las luces que brillan tras el estanque
y las tórtolas que duermen en el saúco salen a despedir
al cabello del carpintero, mi amigo, como a un ser en lo oscuro.

En el pedregal crece a su manera la flor de los lobos
el reino de los amantes desciende sobre las casas abandonadas
y las fresas de junio. Apenas duró un momento la iluminación,

pero brindo por ti, corazón de corazones, en la jaula de la

          Emperatriz y del saltamontes.

Dead Garden

by Juan Carlos Mestre

Walking through the cemetery, the most fitting place

to think over a résumé, I try to recall the tarot card

that could calm me down. I know you all will return again

for the love that moves men beneath the stars’ clockwork.

And yet I’m here, seeing you all beyond the tranvía glass,

the chain of these events. Like when I was a boy,

I read your poems nestled in the night’s soul and I hear you

like a pilot dodging wood and granite crosses.

Since then we’ve been alone, no one’s shown up to join us,

and this squall, hollow day is the only consolation.

They’ve gone, the words I still can’t speak

and the squirrels that, given the chance, scamper among the oaks.

Take pity, I tell the lights glimmering beyond the pond

and the doves sleeping in the elderberry, bidding farewell

the carpenter’s hair, my friend, like someone lost in the dark.

From the craggy earth a wildflower grows in its own way.

The reign of lovers descends over abandoned houses

and June’s strawberries. The flash hardly lasted a minute,

but I shine because of you, my heart of hearts, in the cage

of the Empress and crickets.

translated from Spanish by Patrick Marion Bradley

La Presencia

by Juan Carlos Mestre

En cuanto a nosotros, encendidos bajo la misión del diluvio,

          haga la noche un canto para la intimidad de los infelices.

Oscuros como están en la marmolería del guardabosques,

          déjelos la noche hablar ya que han viajado al perdón de

          los que no se encuentran.

Elijan allí los panes del mandato, pues una cosa te darán,

          belleza, si cumples con ellos como personas verdaderas

          y de sus plazos apartas la ira como se retiran las aguas.

Están con Dios, le atan los cordones de las zapatillas, imagínate

          la pena, darles ahora una patada hacia qué precipicio.

Solo, para menos aún de lo que pide, sale el carrizo del Arca

          y regresa con un anzuelo en el pico.

Vuelve el armisticio de las viudas a la casa del sastre desde el otro

          lado de las inundaciones.

Nada cambiará bajo el peso de la advertencia tras el parimiento,

          en esto nos hemos convertido.

Da trabajo pensar dónde estuvo lo que no estuvo, cómo se

          las arreglará para convencer al portero de cada noche

          la Presencia.

Hierve el agua para ambos, para ambos cae la helada sobre

          los olivos y los que cosen, cosen hasta el amanecer.

The Presence

by Juan Carlos Mestre

As for us, afire with the mission of the Flood,

make the night a canto for bluest affections.

Dark as they are in the nightwatch marblework,

leave them the evening to speak the forgiveness

they’ve sought from those they could not find.

Choose there thy daily bread, they will give you

one thing: beauty, if you find them truly human,

and divorce like ebbing tides the anger from the terms.

They’re with God, they tie his laces; imagine it,

the shame, to boot them over the edge now.

Alone, for even less than asked, the dove leaves the Ark

and flies back with a hook in its mouth.

The widows’ truce returns to the tailor’s home

from the far edge of the floodwaters.

Nothing changes with the weight of precaution,

this is what we’ve come to believe.

It’s tough to consider where what wasn’t was,

how he will sort them out to persuade

each night’s gatekeeper of the Presence.

Boil water for both, for both the frost settles

over the olive trees and those that sew, sew until sunrise.

translated from Spanish by Patrick Marion Bradley

to measure the body
or to neglect it

Gola04Two poems by Hugo Gola translated from Spanish by Hugo García Manríquez.



by Hugo Gola

         los objetos

 su presencia


      su forma huidiza

 o su sombra

 medir el cuerpo

 o descuidarlo


 Morandi recorre los bordes

 navega en un campo

 de violetas silvestres

 y sube hacia las cosas

   el jarrón

       la botella

         la taza vacía

             una y otra

           y otra vez

 caen de la sombra

       a la luz

 lucen en el espacio

   y tiemblan

       porque la mano


 y el ojo


 ante el vasto


 del mundo

To Paint

by Hugo Gola

        the objects

their erect


     their flickering form

or their shadow

to measure the body

or to neglect it

Morandi walks along the boundaries

navigates a field

of wild violets

and rises toward things

        the vase

            the bottle

               the empty cup

               again and again

        and again

plunge from shadow

     into light

glow in the open

and tremble

        for the hand


and the eye


before the vast


of the world

translated from Spanish by Hugo García Manríquez

Sin Conocer

by Hugo Gola

        No puede

                 el ave


 ¿O sí puede el ave?

 Cantar no es


        un sol


        el ave

        de su sol?

 ¿Saber versa


        lo que el ave


                 no puede?

 Pero igual

        el ave


        sin saber

 ¿Qué  es

        entonces saber?

 Si el ave

        sin saber


 el rio

        sin saber ríe

 el viento sin saber


        su suave sonido

        entre las


 ¿sobre que versa el saber?



        el ave

 de dónde sube

            el sonido?




 ¿sabe el que aprende?


Without Knowing

by Hugo Gola


                 the bird


        Or can it –– the bird?

 Singing is


        a sun


        the bird

        know its sun?

 Is knowing versed

        in what the bird




        the bird


        without knowing


        then is knowing?

 If the bird

        without knowing


 the river

        without knowing laughs

 the wind without knowing


        its sweet sound

        among the


 In what is knowing versed in?

 Does the bird



where sounds

        come from?




 Does the learner know?

translated from Spanish by Hugo García Manríquez

A wager, a wager, and an eclipse

Peretz Markish was one of the brashest Yiddish poets of his day. The Forty-Year-Old Man (Der Fertsikyeriker Man), Markish’s long poem comprised of 80 sections with precisely 12 couplets in each, underscores his modernist aesthetics and avant garde stylistic techniques.

To read The Forty-Year-Old Man is to experience an exercise in contradictions: the style is at once radical and conventional, experimental yet contained. For example, Markish inverts linguistic norms, often by truncating words, so that they transmute into something new, something fabricated. Or the word remains recognizable, but its function within the sentence is transformed, so that a verb may turn abruptly into an adjective, or a noun into an adverb – though the same word may switch back to its regular function in the next line or section, creating a sort of inverted mirror effect. All this is emblematic of Markish’s bold experimentalism. Imagine what this does to a translator!

Yet one need only skim the pages of the poem to notice its conservative bent. The poem is contained. Every section features the exact same number of lines, and most of the lines rhyme. Although the rhyme can be sloppy (the words refuse to be as contained as they’re meant to be), the meter is precise — the entire poem written in tetrameter. Daring as Markish may have been, he was still cognizant of the realities of Soviet conventions. Writing in tetrameter, with perfectly spaced stanzas, placed him within the acceptable parameters of Soviet poetry of his time, which in turn, allowed him the freedom of experimenting with words, syntax, and imagery.

Indeed, his imagery can be astonishing, particularly his anthropomorphizing of objects or nature. Consider:

 The day walks bowed yet firm on the road / Flies bite into it for nourishment

 The hands are screws, they bolt themselves / to the mountain of joy, to the mountain of pain

 A day like a watermelon split in half / Juice and light spilling from it 

Much of the imagery, like much of the poem itself, is esoteric and enigmatic, presenting a particular challenge for the translator of his work. Markish makes no attempt to elucidate his reader. He drops the image onto the page, and there it is intended to operate both as a discrete object and as part of the larger structure of the poem. Translating Markish’s work, therefore, involves decision-making not only of the caliber that typify the work of any literary translator—remaining faithful (or not) to the text, finding the mot juste, etc.—but also about how much to attempt to understand. Must the meaning of the poem’s symbolism and imagery in the text be penetrated and interpreted, or is its music on the page sufficient? What’s more, do the words’ enigmatic quality enrich the poem’s beauty, rendering any interpretation or explanation unnecessary, or worse, detrimental to the text?  

As a translator, I have struggled with all these questions. In the end, I’ve attempted to understand Markish’s symbolism and imagery—particularly those alluding to Jewish and Biblical concepts, which the poem is rife with—to the degree I was able. Although I have mostly selected to allow the imagery to do its own work on the page, much as in the Yiddish original, my understanding of what the metaphors represent (wherever I was able to decipher them) can only, I believe, add depth to Markish’s rich artistic achievement. 

–Rose Waldman 


by Peretz Markish

.עס לייכטן די שייבלעך אין דערפער ביינאכט

.ביי יעטווידן שייבל – א יונגלינג פארטראכט


.שלאפן די דערפער, נאר ס’רוקט זיך די צייט

.אויף ארעמען טישל – דאס ארעם געצייג


.נידריק די סטעליע און נידריק די שוועל

.אויף יעטווידן יונגלונג – די גאנצינקע וועלט


,אין שטילקייט פון נאכט, אין שטילקייט פון טאל

.דערקענט זיך א יונגלינג מיט הארטקייט פון שטאל


,אין שטילקייט פון סטעפ, פון קיינעם געשטערט

.דערקענט זיך א צווייטער מיט טיף פון דער ערד


,אין טשאד פונעם קאניעץ, אין טשאד און אין רויך

.דערקענט זיך א דריטער מיט ליכט פון די הויכן


.און עס ציטערט דאס הארץ, און דאס הארץ איז דערוועקט

.אויף ארעמע שייבלעך באוועגט זיך די וועלט


.און דאס מויל איז אין דארשט און אין פיבער פארזוימט

:וועל איך אויפגיין צו דיר און דיר זאגן אזוי


פון קלייניקע שטיבלעך אין ריזיקן לאנד

.גייט-אויף אין די ווייטן דער דרייסטער פארלאנג


פון ארעמען קאניעץ פארטשאדיעט מיט רויך

.אנטפלעקן און פיקן זיך שטערן אין דר’הויך


און ס’טראגן זיי יונגלינגען – בארוועס און הויל

.אין דארפן-פאטשיילעס פארוויקלט, פארקנוילט


אן אל”ף אין מויל, נאר מיט טרויער פון שוועל

.צעטראגן זיי בארוועס די שטערן דער וועלט


by Peretz Markish

The village windows are aglow at night

At each window sits a youth, pensive, dreamy


The village is asleep, but time crawls on

On the poor little workbench – meager little tools


The ceiling is low and the doorstep is low

Oh, the heft of all the world on each youth.


In the quiet of night, in the quiet of the valley,

There! See that boy, hard as steel.


In the quiet of the steppe, undisturbed by anyone

See another, deep as the earth. 


In the charcoal fumes, the smoke of night’s light

See a third, bright as the heavens. 


And the heart quivers and the heart awakens

On poor little windows the world stirs, shifts.


And this time, with a mouth parched, bound by fever

I will rise up to you and say this:


From tiny meager rooms in this mammoth land

The bold demand rises in the distance.


In the poor night’s light fuzzy with smoke

Stars reveal themselves, flicker in the skies. 


Youths carry them – barefoot and naked—

Rolled up and wrapped in village women’s kerchiefs


An aleph in the mouth, but with sorrow they carry

From doorsteps, barefoot – the stars, the world. 

translated from Yiddish by Rose Waldman


by Peretz Markish

עס פיבערט דער ים פארן אנקום פון נאכט

,און די ווייט איז פארקלערט, און די ווייט איז פארטראכט


,א שטילקייט א בלויע, א שטילקייט  אזא

.עס האט זיך א זעגלשיף ערגעץ פארזאמט


– א זעגל – א וויגל מיט קינדישן שלאף

און ס’הענגט דארטן שטיל אויפן מולד זיך אויף


און הוידעט אזוי זיך און וויגט זיך אזוי

.אויף זילבערנעם ראנד און אויף זילבערנעם זוים


אין א זילבערנער דרעמל דארט דרעמלט עס איין

.און ס’ווארפט זיך א שטערן אין וויגל אריין


און דער ים ווי א זילבערנע בעט איז געגרייט

,און ס’לייגן זיך שטערן פארכישופטערהייט


,אז ס’לייגט זיך דער מולד א וועג איבער ים

,א שפיגלנעם וועג איבער שטילקייט פון ים


– און צויבערט און כישופט און וועקט און פאררופט

?איז ווער ווערט נישט שיכור? און ווער ווערט ניט אויף


איז ווער וועט מיט שטערן אין מיטן דער נאכט

?אזוי זיך א גליטש טאן אויף זילבערנעם וואך


אזוי זיך א גליטש טאן אויף שפיגלנעם ראנד

,מיט שטערן צוזאמען, מיט שטערן ביינאנד


,און קומען א זילבערנער, קומען צום מולד

?און צוטאן צום וויגל דאס דארשטיקע מויל


אז ס’טריפט אזא שיין פון באגער און באגין

איז ווער וועט מיר שטערן צו זיין דארט א קינד


by Peretz Markish

The sea fevers for night’s arrival

The distance is pensive, lost in thought


A blue stillness, such a stillness

Somewhere a sailboat has tarried


A sail – a cradle with childish sleep

And stillness swings up onto the new moon, dangles


And swings like that and rocks like that

On the silver rim, on the silver edge.


In a tiny silver nap, it dozes off

And a tiny star drops into the cradle.


The sea is set out like a silver bed

And stars lie there, spellbound


If the new moon lays a path over the sea,

A mirrored path over the stillness of the sea,


And charms and enchants and wakes and calls—

Well then, who doesn’t become intoxicated? Who doesn’t get stirred up?


So in the middle of the night who will skate

With the stars on the silver wake? 


Skate like that on the mirrored rim

Together with the stars, side by side,


Come as a silver one to the new moon

And put to sleep the parched mouth in the cradle? 


If such sparkle of passion and desire keeps trickling,

Who there will prevent me from being a child?  

translated from Yiddish by Rose Waldman


by Peretz Markish

– און ס’קומט ניט קיין שטילונג, און ס’קומט ניט קיין זעט

!אויף וווקס און אויף ווידערוווקס א געוועט


 – א געוועט, א געוועט און אן איבערשטייג 

.די ווייט זאל נאר קלעקן, די הויך זאל נאר סטייען


.איז דאס הארץ ניט דערפילט, איז דער מוח ניט זאט

.דער פויער אין פעלד, דער געזעל אין ווארשטאט


.פיטערט דאס פעלד אין חלומות פארהילט

,עס שלאפט ניט דער פויער, ער וואכט און ער וויל


,אז שווער זאל דאס קארן און פול זאל עס זיין

.און זיבן פארשוין זאלן טראגן א זאנג


,א שטער איז קיין שטערונג, און מי שטעלט ניט אפ

.און ס’לעשט זיך ניט אויס – ניט דאס הארץ, ניט דער קאפ


 – די אויגן אין פאספאר פון דר’הויך און פון טרוים

:ביים ראד פון מאשין איז א יונגלינג פארטרוימט


,און דארט ווי אן איינס – זאל איצט זיבעציג זיין

.און פרייד זאל זיך מערן פאר שווייס און פאר פיין


.נאר דאס מויל איז אין דארשט און אין פיבער פארזוימט

:וועל איך אויפגיין צו דיר און דיר זאגן אזוי


,ס’איז טייער אזוי יעדער זאם פון דער צייט

!אבער ניט צום פארקויף, נאר אויף פלאנצן דאס זיין


,און דאס לאנד איז פרילינג צעאקערט און גרין

.איז פארקלענער די צייט און פארבעסער דעם מין


– און דאס לאנד איז פון אויפגאנג און גיין אזוי מיד

!איז פארמער דאס געוועט און פארמינער די מי


by Peretz Markish

And no calm is coming, no plenitude—

On growth and on regrowth a wager!


A wager, a wager, and an eclipse

If only distance and height will suffice.


The heart isn’t filled, the brain isn’t sated,

The farmer in the field, the craftsman in the workshop


Feeds the field concealed in dreams.

The farmer doesn’t sleep, he wakes and he wants


The rye to be ample, abundant

Seven persons shall carry a grain.


A hindrance is no hindrance, labor doesn’t thwart

Neither heart nor head snuffs itself out.


Eyes phosphor from heights and ideals

At the wheel of a machine a youth is a-dream:


And where there’s one – let there be seventy now,

Joy should multiply for sweat, for pain.


But the mouth is parched, bound by fever.

So I’ll rise up to you and tell you this:


Each seed of time is expensive, so dear

But not for sale – no, for planting!


In the spring the land is plowed and green,

So reduce the time and improve the ilk


Increase the wager and reduce the toil—

The land is so tired from rising and moving.

translated from Yiddish by Rose Waldman

Note: In the penultimate line of Section #5 below, there’s the intriguing phrase “an aleph in the mouth.” When I initially read the phrase, I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Then, to my delight, I found a wonderful explanation in an essay by Harriet Murav:

“Peretz Markish in the 1930s: Socialist Construction and the Return of the Luftmensh.” According to Murav, the phrase refers to the “legendary Golem, most famously associated with the sixteenth-century Rabbi Judah Loew of Prague. On its forehead is inscribed emes, the Hebrew and Yiddish word for truth, spelled alef-mem-sof [אמת]. Every night the letter alef [א] must be removed, thus turning the Golem into a mes, a corpse, spelled mem-sof [מת], lest the Golem overpower his human creators. Every morning the alef must be reinscribed in order to bring the Golem back to life. In contrast to the silent Golem of Jewish legend, Markish’s Soviet Golem says his alef out loud, proclaiming his freedom from the past and from his rabbinic creators.”

In Section #5 of The Forty-Year-Old Man, it is the youth that demands and implements change. It is they—holding the aleph in their mouth and the stars of the sky in their homespun kerchiefs—who proclaim their freedom from the past, thus helping to usher in the Utopian life Markish was so sure was coming. 

under a red regime I find a self as yet unnamed

Two poems by Ya Shi translated by Nick Admussen.


by Ya Shi

在梦中     我把那面孔模糊的人

醒来     身边就聚集了许多俊美的人;
扭断奔跑的膝盖     像扭断
鲜花     轻轻掩埋裂开的灵魂


by Ya Shi

In a dream       the man with the indistinct face

I praised him three times, beat on him three times

On waking       near me had assembled many beautiful people;

I am coarse, I am tender

when you rush at the horizon’s flowing clouds, giggling like an idiot

twisting your sprinting knee till it snaps       like twisting

a sparrow’s neck till it snaps…where we stop

we remember some things that once bloomed

fresh flowers          buried shallow in the split-open soul

translated from Chinese by Nick Admussen


by Ya Shi

长星照耀州府   野草堆积身躯
他的贫乏   正如他的细腻
他在晚上睡不着觉   睡着了
月影向西   盗贼酣睡在他的梦里!


by Ya Shi

Have I ever been content? Have I ever renounced hostility?

Have I ever trembled in love without reason or cause?

An old star lights the provincial government     heaped bodies in the weeds

under a red regime I find a self as yet unnamed

he is precisely as incomplete              as he is exquisite

At night he can’t get to sleep            when he sleeps

he opens the eyes of the owl so wide —  

the moon’s shadow goes west           the thief has fallen asleep in his dream!

translated from Chinese by Nick Admussen


We agreed, the smoke and I,
to leave love’s memory in the ink-black Tigris

A poem by Bissan Abu Khaled translated from Arabic by Francesca Bell and Noor Nader Al Abed.

مدار الصدفة

by Bissan Abu Khaled

 وأنت  تفتش عن أي شيءٍ 

 سيجعلني كل هذا أفتش عنك َ

 و تهرب من خطوتي كالسرابْ

 تحنط شوقي بهذا الغياب ْ

وتترك أمتعتي فوق هذا الرصيف ِ

 أضيُّع ذاك القطارْ

 لعلك تأتي

 أضيُّع أشرعتي في البحارْ

 لعلك ريح ستأخدني نحو مينائنا  

تمر القوافل عبر المحطات ِ

هم يعرفون إلى أين تذهب أحلامهم ْفي نعوش الحديد ِ

 و أبقى على الارض أنسى مآل الرحيلْ

 و أعرف أن الصحارى يفاجئها كل عام بزوغ النخيلْ

 لعلك تأتي..

 أؤجل عمري أؤجل حربي

 وأترك للوقت أن يسفك الآن دهري

 ولا يعرفون لماذا النساء يمتن على شفق الانتظارْ

 لماذا الرجال يموتون في رغبة الاغتيال ْ

 ونبقى نحب تصالب دربين في الحافلة ِ

 و تعرف أنك سوف تجيء الى حلكة الارصفة ِ


وقد أصبح القلب خلف نوافذ هذا القطارْ

 تلوح لي في الثواني الاخيرة ِ

لا أستطيع الترجل لا تستطيع التوغل َ

 نعرف أن الذي حال بيني و بينك برهة ٌ

 ولا حق للقلب أن ينبض الانَ

 أني استويت على مقعدي

 يصادفني كل هذا الغريب ليشهد أني وحيدة ..

ويشهد أني تبادلت تبغاً مع العابرين

وتملأ حجرتنا سحب من دخان يسافر عكس اتجاه القطارات شرقا ً

 تناول أمتعتي عنوة و اتفقنا

 بأناسنترك ذاكرة القلب في كحل دجلة َ

 هوالحب يأتي و يرحل صدفة

 فلا شأن للقلب أن ينبض الان

لا لن أفتش عن وجهك الغر في مهرجان الدخان

 سألقي برأسي على كتف المستحيل

ولن أتنازل بعد انتظارك عن عنفوان الرحيل …


The Orbit of a Possibility

by Bissan Abu Khaled

While you search for something

everything makes me search for you

but you slip my pursuit like a phantom.

You mummify my longing with this absence

and leave my bags on the platform.

I abandon this train.

I had hoped you might come to me

but now I unfurl my sails

hoping you will be a wind to take me, perhaps to our port.

Caravans of travelers caught on layover

realize their dreams are shut up in an iron coffin.

I remain on land forgetting departure

knowing the desert is stupefied every year by the burgeoning palms.

Wishing you would come

I postpone age. I postpone my struggle

and let time butcher me in my prime.

No one knows why women die waiting for twilight.

Why men die murderous in their desire.

Yet we live to love, as two strangers long to cross paths on a city bus.

You know that you will come to the platform’s darkness

where my heart appears behind the train’s windows,

and you’ll wave to me in the last seconds.

I cannot step off. I cannot step in.

Eventually we will know what happened between us.

The heart will have no right to beat anymore.

I repine on my seat

and a strangeness passes over me, certifying my solitude,

certifying the many cigarettes I shared, stranded, waiting long with others.

Clouds of smoke filled our room, flying easterly against the westbound trains

and snatching my baggage as required. We agreed, the smoke and I,

to leave love’s memory in the ink-black Tigris.

It is the heart that comes and goes suddenly

no matter its beating now.

No, I will not hunt for your childish face in this billowing smoke.

I will just lay down my head on the shoulder of impossibility

and, after waiting for you, refuse to relinquish departure’s roughness.

translated from Arabic by Francesca Bell & Noor Nader Al Abed