two poems by Amanda Reverón translated by Don Cellini
by Amanda Reverónera
de manos rotas
sobre un extremo / de la noche
se quedó
tapiada entre las horas
ni un sólo latido
ni un sólo quejido
que la delate
era algo así
(como un poco
de mí)
by Amanda Reverónit was
with the broken hands
on one end / of the night
she stayed
walled up between the hours
not one heartbeat
not one whimper
to betray her
it was something like that
(like a little bit
of me)
translated from Spanish by Don Cellini#15
by Amanda Reverónlugar de siempre / por las tardes
me aferro
cabellos /y otros tiempos
ya no hay pájaros en la ventana
(sólo yo)
aún trinando
honda melancolía
by Amanda Reverónsame place as always / in the afternoon
I persist
in untangling
curls / and old times
there are no birds in the window any more
(just me)
still warbling
deep melancholy
translated from Spanish by Don Cellini